FAQ Frequently Asked Questions

If you have a questions, chances are we've got an answer!

Where do you source your specimines?

Fae's has worked very hard to find ethical and small companies to partner with.  All of the items offered in the shop are to the best of our knowledge ethically sourced.

Where do your items come from?

Fae's is primarily a consignment shop with over 140 artists from around the world.  We are a family of small artists and creators to sell their wares and art.

Human Remains Laws

We do not sell or ship human bones to Georgia, Tennessee or Louisiana.  We do not ship human bones internationally also. 

How do you ship wet specimens?

Wet specimens will be shipped in the jar they come in without the liquid, when you receive your specimen you will need to fill it with 70% isopropyl alcohol.  Diaphanized Specimens will be shipped in their glycerin Mixture.